Hilltown Horse Logging





Our Mission

The product we offer is not the timber we take, it’s the forest that we leave behind.

Every forest landowner in Massachusetts has the capability to provide a sustainable resource for themselves and their communities. Every landowner can be a local tree farmer, and they can do it without sacrificing the beauty, diversity, and resilience of their woods.

Horses are not the appropriate tool for all types of forestry, and a single horse has even more limitations, but I believe that with the average parcel size decreasing and a new type of forest landowner emerging, that there is an emerging need for thoughtful, deliberate, slow logging.



I use directional, highly controlled tree felling techniques to minimize damage to the trees I leave behind. I use a tool called a logging arch to lift part of the log off the ground and reduce soil compaction (it makes it easier for Hazel, too.) Careful planning of skid roads and trails avoid sensitive wetlands and steep slopes. Ropes and advanced rigging aid in further reducing the footprint of logging activities.

Tree tops, or “slash” is left in the forest, allowing the nutrients to re-enter the ecosystem over time, and in some cases providing protection from herbivores for the next generation of seedlings.

I highly recommend that the landowner work in partnership with a professional, licensed forester, although it isn’t necessary in all cases. As a Massachusetts licensed timber harvester, I’m able to execute Forest Cut Plans drafted by a licensed forester.